Time is a coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine
how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
—Carl Sandberg
Family Meal Time, Family War Time: The impact of Friction at the Dinner Table Published August, 2002
Hanging on for Dear Life, Vanishing Twin Syndrome, Timing and Life's Clutter, August, 2002
Sick, Tired and Growing Older: Dealing with Aging, August, 2002
“Net Get Set" Getting Started With NET©, August, 2002
Re-Mothering: Healing the Relationship with Mother, Father, Motherhood and Fatherhood, July, 2000
New Kid on the Block: The Impact of Frequent Changes in Location, Family, Schools, and Other Changes on Performance, July, 2000
Putting God In NET: The Impact of God, Religion and Spiritual Matters Affecting Emotional Stress, July, 2000
Love your Liver: Liver Cleanse
Be Well Gazette, monthly newsletter since l995
Homeopathic and Kitchen Remedies for the Whole Family
12 Rules for Living Life.
The Talk: Healthy Bakers Dozen
Shingles: What a Pain in the. . . Body
Sleep, Rest and Relaxation: What Are They and How to Get Them
Is Your Child’s Backpack Too Heavy?
Are You Overly Concerned With World Events?
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