While performing your duty, expect neither approval nor disapproval. Do your work with the utmost love.
This love alone will attract grace, and all that you do will become the
worship of God. You will see you own self in this worship.
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May, 2015 Vol-5-02


Can you believe that I have been in some phase of Chiropractic for 40 years! Some of you are from my first year in practice. As one of my clients would have told you, “I was expected to die 18 years ago. The doctor is dead but I am alive and kicking.”

Khelly Webb DC, CCSP, FIACA, Etc., Etc.Yes, we have gone through a lot together! There is more to come if I am to live up to one family member’s 75 years in continuous practice! Some family member has been in Chiropractic since 1914. That is over 100 years! Their stories are amazing!

All of your stories are amazing, too.  I would like to read them, hear them, and know about them. Unless you say so I will not share your stories. Even then I don’t know how I would share them.

Please write out, email ( Khelly@centerforhealinglife.com ) or tell me your favorite memory of working with my kind of Chiropractic. What was a cosmic ah-ha that helped you in life. What seemed like a miracle? Some of my colleagues receive this newsletter, so I want to hear from you too. Your sharing will fuel my enthusiasm. So I am looking forward to hearing from you.

I will be presenting at TMB Alive May 14th in Las Vegas on Body GPS Reset or How to Reset Body Proprioception After Being in an Antalgic position. That is doctor speak for being in pain and adapting a posture which interferes with comfort.

Thank you for your referrals. Thank you for trusting me with your families, friends and enemies (make them into friends by helping them.)

For appointments call 562-433-7395 or email me at Khelly@centerforhealinglife.com.

Many blessings.

Khelly Webb DC, CCSP, FIACA, Etc., Etc.

We never know how what we may think, say or do that affects millions.

It is better to life a candle than curse the darkness. B J Palmer.


I am looking forward to seeing you in 2015 and meeting your referrals. 562-433-7395 to schedule.

Thank you for reading.  You can share this newsletter in its entirety and fully credited to me.

Thank you for your referrals, they are greatly appreciated.  You can sign up for the newsletter by going to the home page at www.centerforhealinglife.com and click on the newsletter link.

Khelly Webb, DC, CCSP, FIACA, etc., etc.

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